If We Were On a *Coffee Date…


If we were on a coffee date, I’d probably be ordering an iced soy or almond latte, because I can’t seem to get enough of them this summer. If I was feeling particularly indulgent, I might add a shot or two of syrup (the one pictured is maple…YUM!). I MAY even try to convince the both of us to get a cookie or a pastry (how about a chocolate croissant?!) :)

If we were on a coffee date, I’d want to talk about books. I’d ask you what you’re reading lately, and I’d tell you all about the book I just finished — Delicious! — and how I couldn’t put it down. I’d also tell you about loving the fact that the story was partially set in Akron and Cleveland (the two cities closest to my heart). And I might even admit that I have a huge stack of books right now (and that I always do), a combination of purchases and library books, little stacks of colorful possibility all around my home.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d tell you about something I read in Hannah Brencher’s book If You Find This Letter that made me nod my head like crazy and shout yes from the heart — something I feel should be a new anthem of sorts in my life…And it is this: I want to learn to live inside a life that says, “Girl, this whole dang thing is your love story.”  Life is a love story, whether you are coupled up or not. Life is a love story filled with daily little love letters that come in things like cups of coffee, smiles shared, sunrises and sunsets. Even if I live out all my days in singleness, I’m still living out a love story. It’s a love story written by God, and it’s a love story I can choose daily.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d tell you about how I want to start writing on the inside covers of my books again. About six or seven years ago, I read about a little practice of writing inscriptions in your books…little details like when you read it, where you read it, and how you felt while reading it. I loved the idea, and upon stumbling upon some of those inscriptions this afternoon, I was reminded how much I enjoyed the practice. I’d also tell you I read it on one of the very first blogs I loved (My Messy Thrilling Life).

If we were on a coffee date,  I’d ask you about your morning routine, because I’ve been working on mine. I’d tell you about the P.R.E.S.E.N.T principle, part of another book I’m currently reading called The Better Life. I’d tell you that I’m an aspiring morning person and that right now, my morning routine consists of coffee, scripture, and my Five-Minute Journal. I’d also tell you that I just recently received Lara Casey’s Write the Word journal in the mail, and I’m excited to start using that on a regular basis.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d say I can’t believe it’s August already, and I’d confess that in all the years I’ve professed fall to be my favorite season, summer has been creeping up closer on my favorite season list. I’d ask how you plan to savor the rest of the summer, and I’d tell you that I hope to chase the sunshine as much as possible, dip my toes into water pool blue, and make sure I pay attention to every twinkly, under-the-sky moment.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d tell you about my recent adventure visiting my college campus. I’d ask you about your college days and how you’ve changed since then. I’d admit that I miss those days sometimes, miss the sheer possibility and openheartedness they contained.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d ask what God’s been telling and teaching you lately.  I would share that I am smack dab in the middle of a season of letting go, a season of learning how to give up my plans, in exchange for better ones — His. I would tell you that I’m learning to give up control and say yes to all He is and all He has for me. And I would also tell you it isn’t always easy. :)

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you this: right where you are today is right where you’re meant to be. I would be saying it to you, and saying it to me, too.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d probably ramble too much, smile big, and laugh often. I would try to find out the area you most need encouragement and then offer that to you with joy and with prayer. I would let you know how grateful I am for you and how inspiring I find a good chat over coffee. I’d thank you for being you, and I’d already be looking forward to next time.

*I discovered this fantastic format over at Mr. Thomas and Me, and I couldn’t wait to join in. Expect monthly-ish coffee dates around here from today forward. I hope you’ll share some responses in the comments, so we can kind of pretend we really are out to coffee. (Even better if you enjoy your favorite caffeinated beverage while reading…) :)

13 thoughts on “If We Were On a *Coffee Date…

  1. originaltitle says:

    I met my husband on a coffee date. I had just decided that I was no longer going to just “date for fun” and that I was finally ready to meet the person I would marry. I didn’t expect it would happen so quickly!! But when you’re completely yourself, know what you want and share that with people, it’s easier to sort out who’s going to stick around and who won’t. I realized that I had been pretending to be what I thought men wanted me to be on so many previous dates instead of just being me. Turns out that the real me was exactly the one my best friend/partner/co-parent/soulmate/etc was looking for and if I hadn’t stripped away my false front, we may never have found each other. Great read. Thanks for sharing!

  2. klynnelliott says:

    Katie, I love this and wish we were really on a coffee date. You’ve done lots of reading! If we were on a coffee date just now i would have interrupted you when you said you’re an aspiring morning person to say, “me too!!”
    God has been showing me in my quest to be more kind that kindness is hardest for me when I’m harboring something against someone. And that’s when that someone needs gave from me in the form of kindness. Will you be at the Influence conference??

  3. Stacey (@_gracebeliever) says:

    LOVE all the books! Have you been to a Powell’s?? I could spend days in there! I will have to check out your Goodreads to get some more recommendations :] Also, have you tried the barista blend almond milk in your morning coffee? It’s my favorite! xo

  4. Katie @ A Place to Dwell says:

    @KLYNNELLIOTT I would love to have a coffee date with you, too, girl! And I love knowing what God has been showing and teaching you. So good! I won’t be at the conference this year, sadly, and I’m super bummed! Fill me in on all the goodness? :)

  5. Katie @ A Place to Dwell says:

    @STACEY (@_GRACEBELIEVER) I have not been to Powell’s, but it sounds amazing! :) Definitely look me up on Goodreads. Such a fun site! :) Also, you may have just changed my life with that almond milk recommendation. Can’t wait to find it and try it!! :)

  6. Chris Thoma says:

    Oh my, I absolutely loved this post. First, I am now looking forward to reading Delicious. Thanks for sharing. I love your encouraging and honest spirit. I thoroughly enjoy following you through IG and your blog. I find you so inspiring because of your deep faith which is evident in everything you do!

  7. amber says:

    Wait, your description of your books, as small stacks of colorful possibility around your home. HOLY. This is just pure goodness in the most gorgeously holy of ways. And now I’ve got to spend the morning checking out the stacks I’ve got here and there and everywhere because they’re suddenly 3901840291 times more beloved.

    I love the idea of writing in the cover of books… I just started a book journal and really do love it, but writing in the cover makes it this really temporal thing. Something that another person would then get to experience and, well, ti kind of gives me the chills thinking of how cool that is.

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